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Managing Chronic Conditions: Helpful Tips for Family Caregivers

Chronic illness is understood as a physical condition that affects a person’s quality of life and normal bodily functions for a long period of time, the minimum of one month. As nature would have it, chronic conditions increase as the person’s age also increases. Hence, many of our senior loved ones are going through multiple chronic illnesses and are also receiving treatment for them.

For this reason, seniors will greatly need the help and assistance of their family caregivers so they can manage their situations well. As your excellent provider of Home Health care in central texas, we understand how vital this need is, so we offer the following set of tips, as we’ve gathered in our years of field experience.

  • Inform your loved one’s doctorWhen your senior family member is taking more than one medication for their different chronic conditions, you have to know what type of care they most need. Their primary physician can provide helpful insight into this. You can ask for certain medications that may help address your loved one’s specific lifestyle. For instance, if your elderly loved one is used to sleeping early at night but their medications have side effects that keep them from doing so, their doctor can prescribe another treatment that will address this need.
  • Weigh on the benefits and risksSince your senior loved one is taking more than one medication, there may be instances that their medicines react negatively to the other drugs they’re taking. During their checkup, when the prescription is still being given, make sure to clarify with the doctor about the risks if the medicines can’t be taken and what benefits are there when the drug is adhered to.
  • Report non-working medicationWhen you notice that the prescribed medicines are not working as you expected, make sure that your loved one’s doctor knows about this. For all you know, they may be suffering from the drug interactions already. When you’re being assisted by our team providing health care in Central texas area, your loved one will also receive skilled care when these kinds of incidences occur.
  • Ask for detailed instructionThe good thing about accompanying your loved one to their doctor’s appointments is that you hear for yourself what the instructions are. When you’re there, make sure that you’re getting the right details of their treatment plan. If possible, you have to write down the instructions so that you will have something to look back on when you get home. You can also record the doctor’s instruction using your mobile phone.

Our skilled team can work with you as you administer to the health needs of your family member at home. As a Home Health Agency, we have experienced care providers whom you can trust in caring for your family members on days that you’re not personally available. Don’t hesitate to inquire about our services at Kinesis Home Health LLC.

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